Breathing for Better Sleep

Box breathing is a simple yet effective practice that’s perfect to do just before bed. It helps to clear tension and stress that you’re holding in your body or mind and establishes a calm feeling that facilitates drifting off into peaceful slumber. Box breathing is a 6x  6x  6x  6 tempo. That is, you inhale for 6, hold your breath for 6, exhale for 6, hold your breath for 6 and then repeat from the start.

When you’re ready, get into a comfortable position and let your body relax as much as possible. Feel the surface beneath you and notice how your body connects with it. Take a few slow deep breaths to prepare your body and mind. Let the tension gently ease out of your body. Allow your thoughts to drift away and bring your attention to your breath.

1.     Breathe in for the count of 6
2.     Gently hold your breath for the count of 6
3.     Breathe out for the count for 6
4.     Gently hold your breath for the count of 6
5.     Breathe out for the count of 6
6.     Repeat these steps above 10-15 times (or as desired), each time allowing yourself to relax further into the breath.

If you find thoughts drifting in, gently observe them and then focus on counting. 1…  2…  3…  4…  5…  6… This helps to settle your mind and reset your focus.

As you repeat the breathing cycle, your body will begin to relax, the breath holds will become easier and your inhalation and exhalation will become smoother until it all feels like a circle.

Box Breathing is a fabulous technique that you can use at any time of the day; whenever you’re feeling tense, anxious or have too many thoughts whirling around in your head. Play with it. Enjoy it and observe what shift and awareness it creates.

There are also a huge selection of Apps available if you prefer to use a guided meditation. Some of the Apps, or programs I’ve used are Holosync by Centrepointe Research Institute, Get Sleep by Headspace, Compassionate Heart by Marina Raye & Master Charles Cannon.

For most of us it’s about trying a few different techniques to find the one that suits us best. Remember, no one way is correct – it’s about finding out what works for you and being flexible and changing the method to meet your needs. I like to alternate between the various techniques depending on how I’m feeling. 

I also find placing one hand on the forehead and the other at the base of the skull very soothing. This is a Kinesiology technique called Frontal Occipital Holding. It’s a great way of stilling your mind, alleviating anxiety and creating harmony between your frontal lobe and the limbic system. Combining this with your breathing technique helps to create a deep peace as you prepare for sleep.

Wishing you blissful sleep

Love Vesna